Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wireless connection in Ubuntu

For this you need to click on Network-manager applet and see if you can see you
wireless there. If not, enable wireless driver from System > Administration > Hardware drivers.
Now coming to your modem settings, best solution is to configure it for "pppoe" mode.
( You can do it through Windows too, if you wish to )
1. Connect the modem with your computer with the LAN cable and turn it on.
2. Open your Browser ( Firefox ) and type in the address bar. Type the username and password as “admin”.
3. After logging in, click Advance Setup on L.H.S. menu.
4. A table appears, check the checkbox in the first row showing "pvc 0" under the head remove, then click Remove button at the bottom.
5. Click Add, ensure the "vci" value as 35 , click Next.
6. Select the connection type as "PPPOE" , click Next.
7. Type your broadband username, password provided by your ISP and service name as multiplay, click Next.
8. Click next to reach the last page, click Apply/Save. 
9. Save and Reboot at the bottom of the table, wait for approx. 3 min. to automatically reboot the modem. After the modem reboots, confirm the stability of DSL light, after it becomes stable, you can start using your internet connection.

sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
nm-system-settings.conf tab will open:
Change this "false" to true.
Save, exit.
Then restart Networking.
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart